Saint Thomas Becket Catholic Church
Traditional Catholic Parish of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X
25269 E Bolton Road - Veneta Oregon, 97487
Contact: 541-935-0149 email: sttbacademy@gmail.com
Weekly Giving
The fifth precept of the church reads: "You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church."
Our parish relies entirely on the generosity of its people to provide all that is necessary for the salvation of their souls. Our mission is therefore of paramount importance. Priests need the support of their flock to preach Christ's revelation to the world and to nourish hungry souls with the saving graces of the sacraments.
Priests earn no wages. All money received goes to the parish fund, which pays for the community needs of the pastoral team. (Vehicles, board, lodging, clothing, travel, etc.)
Please give generously. The parish supports four priests and five sisters. It also supports various charitable initiatives, in particular the parish academy. In a time of economic want, the parish needs regular donors.
The three most important considerations for giving:
It must be planned. It should not be what's left at the end of the week or month. Make God's gift the first you give!
It must be proportionate. What one gives should be in proportion to their individual resources. We all have needs, essentials and wants. Do you spend more on your wants than on God's share of your resources?
It must be sacrificial. The ancients offered their sacrifices out of a sense of gratitude for God's many blessings. Can you say the same?
What for?
Here are just a few ways your gift is used: sspx Oregon
To purchase the many supplies that are needed for our liturgies and sacraments, including hosts, wine, candles, prayer books and hymnals.
To pay for the utilities which keep the parish buildings running efficiently for all those who gather for prayer, education, or social events.
To maintain and improve facilities , so that our parish becomes a place of peace and order. ​
To pay for maintenance of priests, sisters and parish staff.
10% of the weekly offertory collection is passed on to the the Society of Saint Pius X to help pay for district services. (legal, financial, secretarial, etc. )
​The Biblical tradition is 10% of your annual income. We ask our parishioners to prayerfully consider their gift as a tithe of their net adjusted income, split between our church and academy.
Donations can be payable and sent to:
St. Thomas Becket Church
25269 E Bolton Road
Veneta, OR 97487